HTML Colors
HTML Colors - Usage in Transparency


     PURPOSE: The purpose of this application is to offer a method to help users with color expression,
     describe their life situations —their "life worlds"— and express their perceptions through images
     using HTML Color Names and transparency.

     How to find the right HTML Color Name?

       • Select the image file you want to convert.*
       • Use trial and error to find the most suitable HTML Color Name.
       • After uploading, An HTML color image and PDF file are created.
       • Download or share by email your converted HTML color image and PDF.
       • Delete all images and clear session after uploading.


  Add an image here

  Image:    or URL: 

  Width:    (x)   Height:      Crop  or Bing™ Wallpaper.  

  Resize image by pixel: 100 - 2560

  Contrast Ratio:   Gamma:   Threshold: 

   • The contrast ratio must be set to any value above .0, to add gamma or threshold.
   • Contrast Ratio min=.0 , max=.255 [.0 no color, .255 for best color results]).
   • The larger the ratio value, the stronger the gamma or threshold effect.
  HTML Colors:   HTML Color:    HTML Color Names

   • Choose a color first if you are uploading from a computer or smart device.
   • PDF Page size fits image by width or height.
   • Orientation is set by width and height.


   • Min filename length 1 and max length 100.
   • Filenames should be limited to 100 characters.
   • Special characters allowed — a - z A - Z 0-9 '@ & # .




    Images must be .jpg, .png, or .gif, not exceed 5MB, and max width by height is (w)2560px (x) (h)2560px.

    Some colors may not overlay vividly based on pixel bit depth and photo quality.

    Your file will be securely handled and deleted after you close your browser.

    This is just a tool and not a cure. Contact a medical professional if you need help.
* = Downloads are in Adobe Acrobat .PDF and .JPEG file format.

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  High Res Pics, Inc. © 2024